Mar 31, 2014 0 Comments in Getting Start, Learning, OpenWRT by
Booting OpenWRT from NAND

OpenWRT is a powerful embedded distribution which fits well into Cosino’s on board NAND.

Putting OpenWRT into your Cosino based board is quite simple but you need a microSD with a Debian OS installed in order to do it. So plug in the microSD and power up your Cosino.

Now we need to download Cosino’s bootloaders, kernel and root filesystem images into your Debian. All needed file are available on GitHub:


warning Note: git and other commands used in this tutorial are present only into the ready-to-run microSD on Cosino’s e-shop otherwise you have to manually install them (see here in section Installing a new Debian package for further info).

Now go into data directory and use the tool as shown below:

Let’s think about you can safely rewrite your NAND and if ok strike ENTER key otherwise use CTRL-C to stop here.

Ok, now just halt the system, then remove the miscroSD from your Cosino based board and then reset the system. You should see something as follow on your serial console:

Now you can press ENTER to activate the console.

Please, note that your new Debian OS is very basic, so you need to add packages according to suite your needs.


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