Jun 4, 2014 0 Comments in News, Press by
CAEN RFID & HCE Engineering Partnership

CAEN RFID and HCE Engineering present Cosino Mega 2560 UHF RFID KIT, the powerful combination of GNU/Linux Embedded, Arduino-Compatible and UHF RFID technologies.

CAEN RFID and HCE Engineering partnered on the development of a full featured development kit for embedded UHF RFID application.

Cosino is a unique tool that combines the functionalities of a low power computer with those of a professional automation system. Designed for the industrial and professional use and manufactured taking into account the industrial standards. The system provides RS232/RS485 serial ports, smartcard and RFID reader, WiFi, GSM, GPS, etc.. all of them as high quality devices.

The Mega 2560 extension has on-board a fully compatible Arduino Mega 2560 system and can carry all its shields without any modification in your existing code. The Arduino-Compatible system can be accessed by using an internal serial line as an official Arduino system does with your PC.

The UHF RFID Kit is based on the compact, high performances CAEN RFID A528B module that is fully supported by the Cosino software platform (Debian/OpenWRT). The reader is an UHF multi-regional compact reader for high performances UHF RFID applications. Due to its form factor, the module is specifically designed to be easily embedded either in battery powered devices, such as industrial handhelds, or fixed reading point devices, such as printers, point of sales, self-service kiosks or industrial automation readers.

Cosino with Mega 2560 extension and CAEN RFID reader is the perfect developing/training system for embedded UHF RFID applications.”, says Armando Genovese, CEO of HCE Engineering, ”It’s a low cost fully functional embedded system who everyone can use to learn embedded GNU/Linux and Arduino programming models with a powerful UHF RFID reader on the same system.

Cosino is a wonderful Linux embedded platform and Mega 2560 opens is to the Arduino world, adding to this powerful embedded platform the UHF RFID technology permits to offer to all our customers ready-to-use tools for developing their own smart RFID devices” says Stefano Coluccini, CMO of CAEN RFID, “This is an important step in our mission to support the adoption of UHF RFID technology”.

You can discover more information on the Cosino platform at the following address: www.cosino.io.

About HCE Engineering

HCE Engineering is a leading Italian company in the design and production of industrial embedded systems and professional electronics. HCE Engineering designs systems by a well defined specific following the development of the product from the idea to the production, through the design till the certification steps.

HCE Engineering guarantees the quality of the product through the careful design and validation of prototypes, through the careful selection of components and rigorous laboratory tests that simulate the most severe use conditions and shall verify performance. HCE Engineering projects meet the product standards in the field of EMI and Electrical Safety.

For more information, please visit: www.hce-engineering.com.


CAEN RFID is a leading Italian company in the design and production of RFID UHF readers and tags. CAEN RFID was the first company in Europe to produce and distribute UHF readers. Its active involvement in the EPC Global, AIM Europe and ETSI work groups have allowed it to provide RFID readers and tags which are in the vanguard of existing technology.

Amongst these the easy2read© readers/writers have been designed to permit the use of one single identification technology for reading either at close range or at a range of several meters; the semi-passive easy2log© tag can be used for the monitoring and recording of temperatures of perishable products in transit (such as food or chemical/pharmaceutical products in cold storage).

For more information, please visit: www.caenrfid.com.


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