Sep 19, 2014 0 Comments in Learning, USB, WiFi by
Adding the Realtek rtl8192 USB to WiFi adpter

This product can be bought at our shop as:

If you need a supplemental WiFi on your Cosino system you can use this USB to WiFi adapter which allow you to build up a very complex WiFi system which can be used as WiFi repeater, as WiFi sniffer, etc..

Connecting the device

In order to get access to the device you need to should consider the instructions below.

Mega 2560 extension

Just plug the WiFi adapter into the Mega 2560’s USB host port (see here).

Getting access to the device

After device plug in, if everything works well, on the serial console you should see something like the following:

The last line in the output above is due the fact your Debian lacks the Realtek firmware files, then let’s install them by using the command:

Now just replug the device and you now should get:

And the command iwconfig should show:

warning N.B.: If your system as more than one WiFi device you may get wlan0, wlan1, etc.

Good! Your device is up and running!


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