Feb 2, 2015 0 Comments in Learning, RFID by
The CAENRFID C libraries for RFID UHF readers

Here a brief tutorial regarding the CAENRFID C libraries for its RFID UHF readers. In this tutorial we’ll see how to get the source code and how to recompile it for the Cosino Project’s boards, expecially for the Cosino Mega 2560 – UHF RFID KIT.

warning Note that the following code is the unofficial version of the CAENRFID’s code so don’t waste the CAENRFID’s guys on questions about what you’re reading here!


You need:

Then install the needed packages on the running Debian OS by using the command below:

Getting the code

The source code are on the Cosino’s GIThub site and it can be downloaded by using the command git clone as follow:

Note that you need three repositories to get the C library up and running.

Compiling the code

After downloading the code it can be compiled on both an host PC or on a Cosino based board running the Debian OS. However I’m going to show how to do the job on a Cosino based board only.

First of all must be compiled the libmsgbuff library, so go to the libmsgbuff directory and use the command below:

If everything works well in the and you should get the output:

So you can install them by using the command:

Now you are ready to compile the libavp package. Just go to the  libavp directory and use the commands:

If everything works well in the end you should get the output:

So you can install them by using the command:

Now you are ready to compile the libcaenrfid package. Just go to the libcaenrfid directory and use the commands:

If everything works well in the end you should get the output:

So you can install them by using the command:

Now you are ready to compile your preferred RFID UHF application!


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