There is nothing that Cosino can not do. Recently drones are becoming more common and are exploited to perform different tasks and Cosino Mega 2560 has everything that serves to pilot one.

In this project the Mega 2560 extension takes care of managing sensors and motors, while the GNU/Linux system running on the Cosino CPU module provides the remote telemetry in order to supervise the drone.

Motors are driven by PWM signal according with the ESC protocol. It is possible to access the sensors board with an I2C bus. The Linux program asks the telemetry datas to the Mega 2560 extension through the serial port and provides on a web interface the altitude, the course and other drone's information.

The project began as a collaboration of three students of the school ITI Galileo Galilei Livorno. The goal of the project was to build a fully autonomous drone accessible via network and smartphone with programmable tasks: fly through waypoints, interact with particular objects and much more!

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There is nothing that Cosino can not do. Recently drones are becoming more common and are exploited to perform different tasks and Cosino Mega 2560 has everything that serves to pilot one. In this project the Mega 2560 extension takes care of managing sensors and motors, while the GNU/Linux system running on the Cosino CPU…

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